Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute

Clear Aligners

Dentistry located in Fort Worth, TX

Clear Aligners services offered in Fort Worth, TX

Could you benefit from a straighter and more even smile? Clear aligners can improve your smile without the hassle and aesthetic intrusion of braces. At Smiles of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas, general dentist Jeffrey Osborne, DDS, provides ClearCorrect aligners and other cosmetic dentistry services. Call or book an appointment online to learn if you could be a good candidate for this clear aligner system.

Clear Aligners Q&A

What are ClearCorrect aligners?

Clear aligners are an effective way to straighten your teeth without visible braces. A series of alignment trays made out of a completely clear polymer material works to slowly adjust your dental spacing over multiple months. At Smiles of Fort Worth, the team offers teeth straightening treatment with the ClearCorrect aligner system.

What can clear aligners address?

There are plenty of dental alignment problems that the providers can address with ClearCorrect. Clear aligners can straighten crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, and fix crossbite issues, as well. 

After treatment with ClearCorrect, you’ll love how straight and even the arch of your bite looks. The team uses computer modeling to predict your results, so you know exactly what to expect after treatment.

How do clear aligners work?

Each of your invisible alignment trays is part of a computer-designed progression. Each time you graduate to a new tray, the tray exerts light pressure, causing your teeth to move that much closer to their ideal alignment. The sequence of trays optimizes the overall straightening process, giving you great results in as little time as possible.

You need to wear your clear aligners for at least 20 hours a day for the treatment to be effective. The dental team provides your new trays regularly as you progress through your treatment period. It typically takes 6-12 months to see full results with clear aligners.

What are the benefits of clear aligners?

Instead of living with a mouthful of metal, people using the ClearCorrect system get the orthodontic benefits of straighter and more evenly-spaced teeth without the uncomfortable experience of traditional braces.

You can take your clear aligners out whenever you need to, so you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want. And, while it’s OK to remove your aligner trays for a big photo or event, the clear material they’re made from is so invisible to the naked eye that most people won’t realize you have orthodontia. That’s another benefit of this option.

To learn more about the benefits of clear aligners and find out if you could be a good candidate for ClearCorrect, schedule your consultation appointment with the team at Smiles of Fort Worth today. You can request an appointment online or over the phone.